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Date: 2012-04-19 00:10:45
Social Butterfly Club Monthly Newsletter May 2011
I'm very happy to announce that I got my last client on the cover of 24 HRs, with a full page spread, as well as 2 TV interviews:

Daniel Ingram Music
TV interview on The Express from 2:30 min onwards
TV interview on Studio 4

If you'd like more exposure to yourself, your business or cause, please contact me at 604 773-5231 to find out how we may make that a reality.
Do you watch The Dragon’s Den from CBC? Or Shark Tank? Isn’t it cool that we finally get to see entrepreneurship live in action!
I love that show. How dynamic it is with all the different types of people pitching their businesses, and sometimes with outrageous products/services.
Kevin O’Leary is, in my opinion, the most outspoken and aggressive dragon on the show. He always has an opinion, LOVES money above all else, and makes sure everyone knows it. When I heard that he would be the keynote speaker for this year’s BCHRMA conference, I gladly paid my $50 to hear what he had to say.
He was feisty as ever, and shared the following key points with the 500+ audience:
· Never use the principal when investing, always use the interest. All his investments are no more than 5% in any sector, and must yield 6% cash yield. He likes to go to sleep richer than when he woke up.
· If you purchase stocks, it must pay dividend.
· Government is not our friend, it’s a cost. We should reduce the size of government, because it’s not the most efficient way of operating a society. Privatize healthcare so rich people don’t have to wait for a long time to receive treatment, and can pay for it themselves, whereas the poor people can receive treatment for free.
· Don’t leverage, debt can kill you!
· When you have a good business, consider licensing instead of a strategic partner.
· Tap into social media as a part of building your brand; write it yourself to connect directly with your existing and potential customers.
· When asked about if men and women differ as entrepreneurs, Kevin commented that women are better at starting a business, as they’re more objective, less emotional, team players, and better communicators. But whatever you do, you must make the money first before you go and pitch your business to anyone.
· You have 90 seconds or less to showcase a brilliant idea! You need to explain the vision, and how you’re going to execute the vision (team, infrastructure, distribution, etc.)
My original impression of Kevin was that he was money hungry and lacking in social graces, but after listening to him, I respect that he cares and is proud to be Canadian, and does not apologize for wanting to make loads of money, and being #1 in the world.

Over Easter weekend, I went with a group of friends for a weekend of Snowboarding, hot tubbing and home cooked dinners among laughter. It was the perfect get away! I got a townhouse unit rental in Whistler Village with five friends. It was super sunny and perfect powder snow on top. It was also the weekend for the Whistler Ski * Snowboarding Festival, so it was packed with free concerts and people on the slopes, but everyone was ecstatic to run free in the wild.
I had so much fun, that I decided to go back to Whistler on Victoria Day weekend for camping, but it was still too cold. We only camped one night and spent the next day visiting the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre and zip trekking. I really enjoyed the Cultural Centre (they’re a living culture, therefore not a museum)., We saw an educational video for 30 minutes, listened to traditional drumming and singing, saw a variety of different arts and crafts, did a walking tour to learn about first nation’s textile, and made a weed bracelet by weaving it ourselves. The lunch was also quite delicious, and salmon candy is sweet and yummy. You can visit them and get an annual membership for $19 at

Daniel Ingram Music
TV interview on The Express from 2:30 min onwards
TV interview on Studio 4

If you'd like more exposure to yourself, your business or cause, please contact me at 604 773-5231 to find out how we may make that a reality.
Freebie of the Month
We at Social Butterfly Club appreciate your patronage and membership, May 2004 is when this club officially begun, so to celebrate our 7th year Anniversary, we're giving everyone a free month of membership at Vancouver's Premier Gym: Steve Nash Sport's Club. Print out the pdf and contact them to activate your membership.
Kevin O’Leary’s from Dragon’s Den
Keynote Speech @ BCHRMA Annual Conference

Do you watch The Dragon’s Den from CBC? Or Shark Tank? Isn’t it cool that we finally get to see entrepreneurship live in action!
I love that show. How dynamic it is with all the different types of people pitching their businesses, and sometimes with outrageous products/services.
Kevin O’Leary is, in my opinion, the most outspoken and aggressive dragon on the show. He always has an opinion, LOVES money above all else, and makes sure everyone knows it. When I heard that he would be the keynote speaker for this year’s BCHRMA conference, I gladly paid my $50 to hear what he had to say.
He was feisty as ever, and shared the following key points with the 500+ audience:
· Never use the principal when investing, always use the interest. All his investments are no more than 5% in any sector, and must yield 6% cash yield. He likes to go to sleep richer than when he woke up.
· If you purchase stocks, it must pay dividend.
· Government is not our friend, it’s a cost. We should reduce the size of government, because it’s not the most efficient way of operating a society. Privatize healthcare so rich people don’t have to wait for a long time to receive treatment, and can pay for it themselves, whereas the poor people can receive treatment for free.
· Don’t leverage, debt can kill you!
· When you have a good business, consider licensing instead of a strategic partner.
· Tap into social media as a part of building your brand; write it yourself to connect directly with your existing and potential customers.
· When asked about if men and women differ as entrepreneurs, Kevin commented that women are better at starting a business, as they’re more objective, less emotional, team players, and better communicators. But whatever you do, you must make the money first before you go and pitch your business to anyone.
· You have 90 seconds or less to showcase a brilliant idea! You need to explain the vision, and how you’re going to execute the vision (team, infrastructure, distribution, etc.)
My original impression of Kevin was that he was money hungry and lacking in social graces, but after listening to him, I respect that he cares and is proud to be Canadian, and does not apologize for wanting to make loads of money, and being #1 in the world.
Whistler, Nature’s Playground

Over Easter weekend, I went with a group of friends for a weekend of Snowboarding, hot tubbing and home cooked dinners among laughter. It was the perfect get away! I got a townhouse unit rental in Whistler Village with five friends. It was super sunny and perfect powder snow on top. It was also the weekend for the Whistler Ski * Snowboarding Festival, so it was packed with free concerts and people on the slopes, but everyone was ecstatic to run free in the wild.
I had so much fun, that I decided to go back to Whistler on Victoria Day weekend for camping, but it was still too cold. We only camped one night and spent the next day visiting the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre and zip trekking. I really enjoyed the Cultural Centre (they’re a living culture, therefore not a museum)., We saw an educational video for 30 minutes, listened to traditional drumming and singing, saw a variety of different arts and crafts, did a walking tour to learn about first nation’s textile, and made a weed bracelet by weaving it ourselves. The lunch was also quite delicious, and salmon candy is sweet and yummy. You can visit them and get an annual membership for $19 at
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