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Date: 2007-09-05 20:12:17
Social Butterfly Club Monthly Newsletter - Jan 07

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Jan 2007

Thank you for your wonderful feedback on the Member Spotlight, we have decided with your input to put out on a monthly basis: 2 Events Calendars, 2 Member Spotlight Features, and 1 Month End Newsletter. That way you don't get overwhelmed by our emails. We will occassionaly send out important announcements for information that's relevant to all Social Butterfly Club members, like the email following this called "Olympic 2010 Pecurement Workshop Tips".

Correction to the last member spotlight: it's Dr. Michael Friedman, and his BNI chapter is BNI ENERGY. One more update, Lorraine Bennington's episode is episode 4 which will air this Sat, Feb 3.

The Gift of Fear
I recently received a gift from a friend, who knew that my naivety has oftentimes gotten me into tight situations with people. He gave me a book called “The Gift of Fear”, which is a fascinating read about the subtle signs of predators who commit violent crimes or other unfavorable behaviour. These people could be someone you would not suspect, like your neighbour, co-worker, partner, etc. The book outlines how they are able to commit horrific crimes due to their lack of conscience. Such people are:
1) Glib and superficial
2) Egocentric and grandiose
3) Lacking remorse or guilt
4) Deceitful and manipulative
5) Impulsive
6) In need of excitement
7) Lacking responsibility
8) Emotionally shallow

The author, Gavin De Becker, has been a consultant for the O.J. Simpson trials, and has worked to protect countless celebrities and politicians. He tells us that we should listen to our intuition! If you are a worrywart, find evidence for your worry – if you don’t have any, stop worrying.

A few tips: Beware when strangers offer to help and use language in terms of “We”, this is a manipulation tactic to gain control or access to your car/house/body. When someone is pointing a gun at you, if that person begins to back up, that’s when they’re ready to fire. They do so to create emotional distance from their victim.

If you are currently trapped in a violent situation, whether it’s emotional, verbal or physical, this book can help you understand your current state, and provide suggestions to help you transition out of it. It’s also a good read if you simply want to increase your awareness in order to be safer. $21.00 at Banyan Books. For Gavin’s company website:

The Color Code
I heard of the Color Code from a friend who used to work for a large high-tech company. They used it for all their employees to determine which department is most suitable for their “color” of personality. The Color Code Personality Profile was designed by Taylor Hartman, Ph.D. He explains in his book, “The Color Code: A New Way to See Yourself, Your Relationships, and Life”, that we are driven by our core personality, so that even though we can be influenced by our parents and upbringing, it’s
what drives us that will show through, leading to our purpose. Fighting it will be like going against the current.
This book has a personality test that you can take to figure out what your colors are. My scores were 15 Yellow, 14 Blue and 13 Red, and 1 White.

MOTIVE Power Intimacy
Peace Fun
NEEDS To look good (technically)
To be good (morally) To feel good (inside) To look good (socially)
  to be right
to be understood
To be allowed their own space to be praised
  to be respected
to be appreciated
to be respected
to be praised
  Approval from a select few Acceptance Tolerance
Approval from the masses
WANTS To hide insecurities (tightly) to reveal insecurities
To withhold insecurities
To hide insecurities (loosely)
  Productivity Quality Kindness Happiness
  Leadership Autonomy
Independence Freedom
  Challenging adventure Security Contentment Playful adventure

This book is $17.75 at most book stores. If you’re on the road to finding your life’s purpose, if you’re thinking of hiring someone, or even of getting married, get this book!

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